Texas College


Division of General Studies and Humanities

Department of Languages and Literature



Intermediate Spanish II-Advanced



I.                   Logistics




Course Number:  Span 2302



Credit Hours:                    3 Hours

Instructor:                           Ed Sanders

Phone:                                  (903) 593-8311  Ext-2271

Office:                                  MSBC  Building-Rm 113

Office Hours:                    Monday-Friday:                              9:00am & 1:00pm

Tuesday  & Thursday:                  10:30pm & 2:30pm

Tutorial:                              Monday:                                             11:00am

                                                Tuesday  & Thursday:                   2:30pm



             (Appointments are recommended although not required)


Email:                                   esanders@texascollege.edu


Prepared by:                      Mr. Edward Sanders___________________________/___/___/_____                                                                                                                  Instructor                                                                                      Date



Approved by:                  Dr. Garth Baker-Fletcher______________________   /      /   __/_____                               

                                          Division Chair                                                                            Date                                                                         




II.          Course Overview:

Intermediate Spanish II emphasizes the use of Spanish for communication on a basic and advanced level. The course includes participatory research, dialogue analysis; critical thinking phrases and continues with advanced grammar and usage. Emphasis is placed on the development of advanced proficiency in the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and the acquisition of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Directed compositions, a study of Hispanic civilization, and an introduction to Hispanic literature are included. This course is intended for students who are proficiency and have the ability to communicate in Spanish on an advanced level.  Intermediate Spanish II reviews all of the Spanish Grammar and includes more literary readings.


III.  Course Question


            Why are you taking this course?


A.     Only to satisfy my Spanish core requirement. (no particular interest)


B.      Because of my fascination with the language.


C.     I have satisfied my core requirement but I am taking this course because I’m interested in learning more Spanish.


D.    Other reasons:  1)Knowing Spanish will make me a more marketable person in this global society.  2)  It will help me to develop discipline skills that I will need in life.  3)  I will gain a better insight of the rules and structure of a Romance Language.


IV.  Learning Outcomes and Purposes for Spanish 1301


       By the end of each course,  the student will be able to…


  1.  Communicate in Spanish on a variety of topics that affect their quality of life, such as:

·         Discuss stories, novels and poems in Spanish

·         Spanish Literature

·         Stress and pressure (at home, work and school)

·         Spanish authors

·         Art and folklore


  1.  Narrate stories in the past tense in Spanish, including background information, description and sequences of events.


  1.  Express emotion, opinion, advice, doubt, requests and uncertainty in Spanish using the subjunctive mood.


  1. Recognize one’s own errors in writing and use self correction as a strategy to Spanish more accurately.


  1. Produce and interpret oral and written Spanish at an approximately Intermediate Spanish II level.


  1. Describe and illustrate aspects of the culture of Spanish speaking countries covered in this course.  Compare and contrast the similarities and differences among each country.


  1. Evaluate one’s own values, behaviors and world-views on the socio-cultural topics presented in the course.  Compare and contrast values, behaviors and worldviews with Spanish speakers.


  1. Produce and interpret oral and written Spanish at approximately an advanced College level.


  1. Understand the use of advanced-grammar structure when listening to the Spanish language


  1. Understand the use of advanced -grammar structure when Reading in the Spanish language


  1. Understand the use of advanced -grammar structure when writing in the Spanish language


  1. Appreciating and understanding the many cultures of the world’s Spanish-speaking nations


  1. Appreciating and understanding the variety of ways in which the Spanish language is used in a classroom and outside of a classroom setting.


  1. Each student will develop “High critical thinking skills” from this course.



To help students:
1. develop strong conversational skills appropriate to the level of this course.
2. improve their ability for self-expression.
3. expand their active vocabulary.
4. gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hispanic language and culture.
5. use their Spanish in a natural context.
6. improve their ability to think critically, to raise pertinent questions and seek answers to

  them, to analyze, discriminate, and draw conclusions based on concrete evidence.

Classroom activities will include oral presentations, debates, discussions, and playacting. These activities will center on several themes and topics contained in politics, social justice, education, communication, etc. Current events as reported by different media will be discussed also.


V. Competencies:


  1.   The student will demonstrates knowledge of major language components

       (e.g., phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntactic features, semantics,

        pragmatics) and applies this knowledge to address students' language

       development needs in language 1 and language 2.


2.      The student will understands the historical background of the Spanish language in  

the United States, including its culture and significant aspects of the Hispanic

        society, and the effects of demographic changes on the American society.


  3.  The student will understand basic linguistic concepts in L1 and L2 (e.g., language

       variation, change, and dialects) and will be able to apply knowledge of these 

       concepts to support students' language development in L1 and L2.


 4.  The student will be able to use the formal and informal register and knows the types   

      of formal and informal uses of the Spanish language.


5.      The student will know how to differentiate between language sounds and intonations

      in the Spanish language.


An Informative Speech
A Persuasive Speech
A Formal Speech

V.   Course Evaluations


1. The evaluation of each student is based the following behaviors


A. Attendance (see review college policies-see item VI below)

B. Attitudes (as addressed below)

C. Knowledge of the text goals and objectives

D. Successful completion of all class requirements and projects.

E. Quiz preparation

F. Examination preparation

G. Passing with minimum score of 70 % accuracy



Specific homework assignments are given (see class schedule). These assignments must be prepared before class. In preparation for class discussions, students must write, in complete Spanish sentences, an outline of his/her thoughts/opinions on each assigned topic and look up vocabulary words they do not know. After reading the dialogues in the text-book, students must do "Comprension" on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to the professor.

Oral presentations: Students will give one speech to the class; this speech will be 15 minutes in length and will vary in content. Every student will deliver one of the following:


VI. The Evaluation Rubric


Every assignment will be evaluated using the rubric of Quality,

Neatness, Organization, and Thoroughness (Q-N-O-T) as the basis for



A student’s evaluation will reflect their level of response to the

   assignment topic and to each criteria listed below.


a Quality: The product will demonstrate quality research and targeted

   responses to each assignment.

b Neatness: Each product will be evaluated on the physical appearance of

   the assignment. This element involves handwriting, word processing, and other

facet of appearance of the assignment.

c. Organization: Each product will present ideas and responses in an

    organized and logical format.

d. Thoroughness: Before submitting an assignment for evaluation, the

    student will:


1) Neatly place name and date on each assignment

2) Address the tasks and questions

3) Examine the quality of the responses

4) Evaluate the neatness of the assignment

5) Edit with attention to detail as well as organization of ideas.


The assignment submitted for evaluation must demonstrate the ability to use

Spanish concepts learned prior to the date of the assignment. This includes the ability to use proper syntax; well-developed sentences and paragraphs; correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation; and the use of appropriate vocabulary.


2. The students are encouraged to:

Plan ahead. Use time to address assignments proactively.


Submit assignments at the beginning of class on the dates they are

  due. There will be no credit for work turned after this time.


Save--and back up—and keep a copy of every semester project,

   response, etc.


The instructor is not responsible for missing papers. A student should be able to document any work completed by presenting a duplicate copy. The student will need one copy for

submitting to instructor and one for discussion notes/replacement pieces.  Check e-mail messages daily.


There will be no make-up quizzes unless for legit reasons.


B. Completion of Course Assignments

Each student will consult the course agenda and present assignments at

the beginning of class on the date it is due unless otherwise noted by either an in-class

announcement or on e-mail. Nothing will be accepted after the beginning of the class.

Wrong assignments will not be accepted. Missed assignments must be submitted within 1 week of DUE DATE. TEACHER WILL NOT ACCEPT MORE THAN 2 ASSIGNMENTS AT ONE TIME. Students must bring duplicate copies of the assignments to class. This allows them to actively participate in class activities and discussions after the assignment is submitted.


C. Professional Habits and Attitudes

Each student must realize that their personal response to course assignments, their classmates, and the faculty and staff will effect their grade and is an

important factor in becoming a professional educator.


Responses to Course Assignments: Each assignment is designed to

facilitate and demonstrate growth in the educational experience.


Responses to Peers: Working with others is vital to success in acquiring a foreign language. As each student functions as a part of a learning team on campus and in the different activities, they are to be supportive of each other and they are to offer constructive feedback.


Response to Instructors and Support Staff: During the semester

each student will experience a variety of individuals functioning with instructors and staff. Personnel and staff will be treated with respect at all times.


Personal Info: Each student will complete a 3x5 card with personal info by the second day of class.


D. Course Grades:


Oral presentations...................15%


91 - 100 A

88 - 90 B+

81 - 87 B

78 - 80 C+

71 - 77 C

68 - 70 D


All grades will be available on JISC beginning the 3rd week of class. 




E. Class Schedule for Intermediate Spanish I


1/12/11                        Orientation Class/Introduction/Syllabus/

            25  ventajas de aprender español-En español-Due 1/14/11


1/14/11                        El análisis literario y sus términos (Literary Devices)


Cuadro 7        “TIERRA Y LIBERTAD”   



“Una Esperanza” Amado Nervo- Escoja un Literary Device Preguntas en Página 255-Due 1/21/11


“Mejor que perros” José Mancisidor-Escoja un Literary Device-Preguntas en Página 262A-Due 1/26/11


1/26/11                        El imperfecto del subjuntivo-pps.262-272

Preguntas en Páginas 270A- Due 1/28/11


Cuadro 8        “EL ÚLTIMO VIAJE”


Lea “La Lechuza” Alberto Gerchunoff- Escoja un Literary Device—Preguntas-p291-2A-Due 2/02/11



“En el fondo del Caño hay un negrito” José Luis Gonzáles- Preguntas en Páginas 300A-Due 2/04/11


2/04/11                        Complementos directos p.309   p.309A-Due 2/06/11





2/9/11              Los Refránes---Los Proverbios http://www.espanole.org/refranes-


“A la deriva”  Horacio Quiroga- preguntas 326AA-Due 2-16-11

2/16/11                        “Papá propone; Mamá dispone”   Escriba una carta-p339-3 Due 2-18-11


2/18/11                        Cláusulas con sí-p340- preguntas 341A- Due 2-23-11



2/23/11                        “Ojalá…” En clase-A-p 345-    345B-  Due 2-25-11



Cuadro 10                  “LA MUJER”


3/2/11                          “Cartas de Amor traicionado” Isabel Allende- Escoja un Literary Device-Preguntas 361AB-- Due 3-4-11


3/4/11                          El Repaso


3/7-11/11                     Mid-Term


3/15-19/11                   Spring Break


3/23/11                        “Redondillas” Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - Escoja un Literary Device p.364-Preguntas Actividades p.365   Due 3-25-11


3/25/11                        ¿Discriminación o simplemente tradición?   Marie-Nieves Castillo de Hill- Escoja un Literary Device-Preguntas 371A    Due 3-30-10


Cuadro 11                  “LA FANTASÍA Y LA IMAGINACIÓN”


3/30/11                        “Un Fantasma Persistente” Anónimo- Escoja un Literary Device

                                      Preguntas-Actividades-p.390A      Due 4-01-11   

4/01/11                        “Borges y yo” Jorge Luis Borges-p391 Escoja un Literary Device   Preguntas 392A      Due 4-06-11 


Cuadro 12                  “LA INSPIRACIÓN Y LA ESPERANZA”  


4/06/11                        “Hoy he nacido”  Amado Nervo- Escoja un Literary Device  


4/08/11                        Llénalo de amor”   Amado Nervo- Escoja un Literary Device  


4/13/11                        “Rimas” Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer” Escoja un Literary Device  


4/15/11                        “Anoche cuando dormía”  Antonio Machado- Escoja un Literary Device  


4/20/11                        Presentación

4/22/11                        Repaso

5/2-5/11                       Final Exams   


I. Course Materials


1. Text: Literature book-Galeria


A. Supported material

501 Spanish Verbs-Barron Educational- Hauppauge, NY. Barron Educational Series


B. Suggested web sites